15th Mar 2012
22nd May 2012
Colt's simulation gave me this idea. Ask me to add anything, I'll try to make it to the best I can. Oh yeah, some credit required to use this in another save file.
very nice! i was hoping this would get front, it utilizes a very (relatively) new system for propulsion of bomb! :)
I added a cooling system so you can adjust the power of the bomb with heat/cool without overheating the mechanism.
oops! sorry,i didnt see the pump, and didnt think about it being adjustable. :P my bad.
*continued* add a way of propelling it a bit further into the intended target, using like black hole or something with newtonian gravity or whatnot.
Very nice! thanks for credit, your a nice user so i wouldnt worry too much about you taking an idea or anything, but yes, this is very good! it falls short of the tank, so maybe