14 / 1
21st Mar 2012
27th Sep 2012
The BAE group homepage! B.A.E stands for bombs, art and electronics. As they are the main things we build. We are dedicated and have grown significantly in a reasonably short amount of time :D. When requesting to join please say your rank :).
cookies bae mrlollypop bomb electricity club group gettingbigger


  • kitten16461
    11th May 2012
    dude u went to france thts freakin awesome
  • DJspiderize
    11th May 2012
    SALUT MY FELLOW B.A.E MEMBERS, I HAVE RETURNED FROM MY SCHOOL TRIP TO FRANCE :D *Cheering in the background* LIkerice, I'll take a look. circovik, current.
  • mr-lollypop
    11th May 2012
  • circovik
    11th May 2012
    Is the fp bar for current fps or is it permanent?
  • LIkeRice
    9th May 2012
    Ok, Thank you, Sir, mr-lollypop.
  • mr-lollypop
    9th May 2012
    i'll tell him but he wont do it cozz he's on holiday for a week so he's got no internet
  • LIkeRice
    8th May 2012
    mr-lollypop, please tell Dj to add this link/ program to the homepage. It is an extra bonus for BAE members..ID:811359
  • mr-lollypop
    8th May 2012
    hey guys keep up the good work when we reach 30 members we will have a competition and the winner will have the abillity to let people join but you need to be registered on the website
  • ladiesman271
    7th May 2012
    i need someone to help out by recomending me to tpt olympics i have everything made i just need to be a leader
  • ladiesman271
    7th May 2012
    djspiderize im thinking on making a club can u help i'll make u co-leader