The BAE group homepage! B.A.E stands for bombs, art and electronics. As they are the main things we build. We are dedicated and have grown significantly in a reasonably short amount of time :D. When requesting to join please say your rank :).
dont listen to benji he is stupid and says its a joke, (he just texted me) and me because i dont want any fonts similar to FIRE CLUB i want FIRE CLUB to have its very own font and style but its only
Yup -_- All over a stupid letter. I'm gonna probably change the colour...
Having problems, aren't we? .-.
See what've done now FIRE_FOX. now everyone else is gonna go "UH]DDBJ ITS COPIED EDUBF" because you've said so. I've changed the E's, which I still think is stupid but will you please drop it?
this looks so much like FIRE dude be orignal atleast... -_-
i only care about the E's....
The member counter I believe is different from yours. Just becuase it has the same numbering style does not mean it's directly copied from you. I did get the idea from you though.
I was told to do it in red by the leader of the group. I am not changing it unless he says so. I can honestly say that and the E's are not copied from you.
that alright but its copyrighted and u have the same color some people might not belive you that its an acciedent u know? rather have me telling you than modders threating to ban u because of FIRE CLUB