The BAE group homepage! B.A.E stands for bombs, art and electronics. As they are the main things we build. We are dedicated and have grown significantly in a reasonably short amount of time :D. When requesting to join please say your rank :).
Still not getting you. You think I copied your font? I can change the E's I guess if it bothers you. But I didn't deliberatly copy it...
exacly that was FIRE CLUB font not your's
WHATS WRONG WITH THE E'S?!?!?!!? I honestly have no idea what your talking about! There's one pixel missing!
yo come on man FIRE CLUB has a pixel club copy right on it change the E's please
Thanks jedi, it looks good.
djspiderize i made the logo check where you asked for it at and hope u like page called i make logos
@jjbagley sure you can join. You have some pretty cool saves by the way.
can i join? if you look up my name you can see things ive made
Elite can reached in several different ways. Which will be explained in a save soon. But I try not to post any saves without Mr-lollypop's permission first since he is the leader :D
can i become an elite