To be very, very honest with you, I used no program, first I took a rough sketch of a ME GUSTA face I found, colored it, and spammed it on the page. :D
I know it is punishable by ban to use CGI programs, but its hard to tell for small things like these.
This celebrates that I am back online, and that I just like to yell, ME GUSTA!
tell me how, and what, program you used to make these! i must know! ;) i really wanted to know how to do this kind of stuff, its really cool! +1
This really is in celebration to my long, long offline process, and I wanted to celbrate I'm back online, and also, just to say, ME GUSTA!
Hahahaha naw, I don't really know how to use CGI, but, anyways, ME GUSTA!