this club that only the best can join. if you want to join, poste in the comments youre best save's id number and i will see if you can join (i dont care about fp or votes i care about looks and proformence).
nice but no cig bro. :P
its super basic as im kinda new but my best bunker ever id:1510949
@987tails thats cool bro XD
@LightGrayDye cool bro! but sadly it's not good enough. D;
it kills kids XD
now your gonna like the lil skitiky but your gonna LOVE the big skitiky (ID:1464421) but what your gonna skitick on is the HUGE SKITIKY! (ID:1519947) LOL! do i sound like im advertising cause IMA NATURAL! XD
YO! spazzy you like these? ID:1509397 AKA the lil skitiky? or is it ID:1533141? or the lil skitiky? XD
Can i join id:1510334
id:1520750 here is the finished engine.
@Doolittle: that looks cool :P, @nijalninja98: sweet