19th Apr 2012
21st Apr 2012
The end of April 2012 marks my 1st year anniversary of joining The Powder Toy. I've learned alot and I had fun doing it. Thanks guys for one year of Epick! -epicksl pixel-club leader
28 frontpages are something to be proud of.
Yeah, Epic saves! Ima older than you :P You're account ID is 34783 (is this you're first account?) And my first account is 27258.
Hi Epicksl Epic Save!!!
LOLOLOL, appearently you joined right near my birthday (April 20th)! +1 for that XD
cool beans man.
@ epicksl Ok, I just applied on the forums page.
hey I would, but as your name seggusts, reality is harsh xD. I do have a life. tho... i play baseball, im a life scout, I play piano... I enjoy sculpture. I'm too young to date seriously but i do have a girl
It alarms me how much people are into this X3 it really really does, I mean with this tallent you could achieve so much more. Example, join the furry fandom and do some art, get laid and stuff. really.
sure sketch. please apply on the forums (we accept almost all that apply- unless they are known spammers/copiers) @bolt cool!
I begined the powder toy in october 2011