5th May 2012
25th Aug 2012
a few problems with c4
put fire on the one that complains about color
i made c4 explode with fire
it is true, developer can add to tpt semtex too
true, but wheres the fun if it was too realistic?
Also, uranium tends not to be explosive, unless its U-235 (.7% of the total uranium in the world), and most of the uranium is the more passive U-238 (99%)
laurynas- uranium dose generate heat under presure, and the same goes for plutonium. they also fission under presure. maybe not perfect physics, but at least some truth.
c4 wont need electricity to be detonated, electricity is needed to set of detonation cap. which provides enough heat and pressure to set off c4 :)
almost all materials in powdertoy are fale like URAN it can't explode like plutonium does and it gets hot while presurised that shouldn't be so
I get what you are saying too boxmein it is an ancient element
Yes I totaly am with you on this +1