23 / 12
6th May 2012
7th May 2012
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green overthetop ott republicans


  • napalmgamer
    7th May 2012
    lol tags. republicans
  • maxybaer123
    7th May 2012
    lol right
  • m_shinoda
    7th May 2012
    From what I see, the co2 pollution is a good thing because when aliens decide to set our oxygen on fire, the co2 puts it out.
  • fatmandandan
    7th May 2012
    thanks for frontpage, this is my 7th! :)
  • jklujm
    7th May 2012
    (cont.) This tilt is what caused the ice age. We are still moving out of the ice age, and so the the temperature of the Earth is rising. When it reaches its peak Earth will cool down again.
  • jklujm
    7th May 2012
    It is true that acid rain and smog are caused by us. But global warming isn't entirley our fault. Part of it is the tilt of the Earth's axsis. The angle of this tilt changes over thousands of years.
  • IQ
    7th May 2012
    Alas, this soon will be true that the plants just keep up, so you non-global warming believers will in the end because you don't believe this fact will destroy our planet!
  • powderboy12345
    7th May 2012
    This is not global warming, anyway. This is the fact that acid rain is real. fatmandandan said it himself. My name is Dan tooXD. Nice name infact.Soz for getting carried away. I do that sometimes.
  • powderboy12345
    6th May 2012
    Global warming is real. Get over it. Its all our fault and i would like to go to mars to live. It seems cool on mars. Like 30 farenheit on the hottest day. And once again. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL
  • Platypus5
    6th May 2012
    @Dave. Citation needed!