11th May 2012
18th May 2012
Please tell me any errors you find. Easy is really easy, medium is a little more of a challenge, and hard is more of a challenge.
Truly amazing!
The Tic Tac Toe machine's seriously childish and truly doesn't want to lose. When I'm about to win, it "suddenly" breaks and I have to start over. D:<
i won with a really cheap trick
I WON!! :D
i won!
u can't won.. T_T
I think he didn't mean official testers :P. Just everyone when he publishes it.
I could be a tester i already founda bug that somtimes when the middle left button is pressed it does not alwase register.
i found a bug, put the x in the middle. let circle put it somewhere around you. put your x at the opposite of the circle. there's a high chanse that the circle won't do anything.
Nice! That looks very confusing to make. +1