23 / 5
21st May 2012
25th May 2012
A tribute to FiRE_FOX. He was the maker of some of my favourite saves. I wish he wasn't banned but that's the way it is. To the moderators, this is not a plea to unban him. I am not trying to direspect your decisions.
fire fox rip firefox


  • Wolf_Doctor
    22nd May 2012
    jacksonmj, becase am not a litle pussy and ur not gonna push u around am gonna confess right in ur dam ugly tomato bootleg face and say gtfo of DJ's saves! u a bad admin...1 moment ran out of caracters
  • DJspiderize
    22nd May 2012
    Okay, I'll check. I'll try and answer them all :D
  • Wolf_Doctor
    22nd May 2012
    DJ check ur messages i wanna join B.A.E but have some questions
  • DJspiderize
    21st May 2012
    Has he been banned again then :/
  • DJspiderize
    21st May 2012
    To be fair, he only did it to apologise for what he did. Not sure about this last one though.....
  • jacksonmj
    21st May 2012
    If you've been permanently banned, it's not a smart idea to come back with a new account less than a day later...
  • DJspiderize
    21st May 2012
    vote fraud. Using more than one account to vote for a save, both up and down.
  • DJspiderize
    21st May 2012
    Oh and did you see my idea about adding another leader? dead_FOX was banned before I could see an reply :P
  • hsemeghini
    21st May 2012
    what's vote fraud?
  • DJspiderize
    21st May 2012
    You set things going with the fire club before you go. Your final intructions and whatnot. :P