27th May 2012
8th Jun 2012
The winners are circovik in power and Combustion_Man for deco, detonation and special effects. No one but the winners may use the trophies. Credit to evarno and WinstonsDomain for the setup of the contest
I gave evarno the setup originally.
@Oats would you like to join the sword club? Because I like the way you make the sword logo :D 827071
I had to take it out because of the sign limit, I'm about to make a page 2 so just wait a while. It will be up there in a minute
What happened to my other entry?
By the way, as a message to everyone, if you could improve on DJspiderze idea, and make compressed molten LIGH and if you combined it with circovik's infinite thunder, then that would be a very good idea...
Nice bomb spiderze, evryone saw it on the front page
I personally call compressed ligh bombs illegal but it isn't my comp
Okay, I think this one is my most powerful, ID:825744. If it breaks any rules sorry :P
Can I join, id:841077