This is undoubtably the mos complicated piece of electronics i have ever made. If anybody has any ideas or improvements, could they please tell me in the comments?
The wifi always breaks
See if you can make it stop breaking. INSL works for HEAT so... (the Purge)
Check the Purge. I think It need INSL to stop it melting. I don't know if it will work.
sorry man, tested the reactor with the cooling and it still stops the reaciton starting so removed it. credit will remain
Done, go check!
like, copy the core and put what you mean?
can you show me what you mean? im going to try but i'm not sure what you mean
Though make it a small outlet to erase MOST of the neut
Make a Purge system using antimatter. Then you can speed up all the reactions because there is space for the DEUT without it exploding.