ohh ok cool i don't really know how to do that but is it ok if i just message it to you?
yeah, sure. If you want to add it to a save, you can put it in luacode.txt and hit the LUA button, or you can give it to me some other way ... doesn't really matter.
lol yeah i guess i'm a bit ahead of lots of things... do you want to see the modified code i made?
perhaps January isn't the best time to ask that, lol. In 11 more months may be better. Also yes, the elements are cool. They will be in tpt soon too, I just made them first.
those snowflakes are pretty cool you should ask simon if you can add them in to tpt for a few days at christmas
ohh yeah and i also made it an autorun file
also the new elements are soo cool
ohh cool now the comments show instantly
i edited the source code and took out a few lines
lol, it's ok. And yes, I made that command be there over a year ago, when I added, adding lua scripts into saves, to my mod. It was almost Christmas then, so I made that. I do like the snowflakes too ... the countdown is broken though. Also, pressing clear sim should have gotten rid of them, and that should have been the only way to exit the save, everything else should have been disabled.