19th Jul 2012
16th Feb 2016
Simple mod detector, the check changes to an x if not using my mod. Free to copy, use it in your saves if you want. ---------- Version 31.2 out! More rewrites and new interface code, also you can finally edit your profile from my mod now.
that is quite a bit of spam
well actually my last exam is tomorrow, but then i have the next week off.
i'll play with it more tomorrow, exams to study for now :(
no wait they don't they just slow down
mien they cause lag but they're cool so its ok
!!!@!@!@!@@@! i made it so that everything has snowflakes now :))
also: to find it i oppened the console and pressed up
jacob1: i was playing around with the console in your mod and i came across this command: tpt.load(644543). it seems to load some christmas save you made. i have never used this command before. i think it loaded with the mod? just out of curiosity, how did it get there?
oh, also it must be less than a week old to be on front page and stay there
Vintage: It's created automatically, calculated based on number of votes and the speed you get them. Your save is getting them too slowly to be on front page. Oh, and also views I think, if a bunch of people view it and vote on it, that's better than a bunch of people viewing it and not voting. Arien742274247: They are a little glitchy, and I think I might just keep them something only my mod has. All they really do is bounce around, you can't build anything with them.