19th Jul 2012
16th Feb 2016
Simple mod detector, the check changes to an x if not using my mod. Free to copy, use it in your saves if you want. ---------- Version 31.2 out! More rewrites and new interface code, also you can finally edit your profile from my mod now.
you guys have any idea of what you're going to do for april fools? i have some ideas...
both of the bugs I said were fixed were from my mod by the way. Not in tpt
they used to be fixed that fast, development on tpt is actually sort of at a standstill, I have no idea where Simon is, he hasn't done much/anything in 2 weeks. I sometime fix things though. And by the way, the sponge crash was only in my mod. Bugs in that always get fixed quickly (:
thats weird... i seem to get around 300 to 400 on 801766. its pretty awesome how fast bugs and gliches and stf get fixed in this game... in other games it would take a lot longer :)
859717 I did on purpose because I didn't like some changes to the indestructability of elements. I think I fixed it for the next version
801766 always goes to 770 to me every time. I fixed the SPNG crash. now for the last one ...
heres another pretty big glich... 859717 moving clone for.the.win. XD
okk thanks
I will look at the two bugs in a bit. The game's main developer, Simon, is like never here. So no, I don't know when there will be any new elements anytime soon. I haven't seen him in about 2 weeks, he must be doing something in real life that I don't know what.
yeah, and sorry for all the comments but the game seems to crash when you type "tpt.el.spng.loss=-2" into 585876