Most bombs work better out of their box. Also, you can specify the size of the bomb. Paws227's was medium, and the example was large. I can, however, go larger or smaller. Limit 2 bombs at a time per person, and 4 bombs total per person.
dang thats hard
Whoa. O_O
please with a detonator
can it also please have fuse powder fire and naplam in one bomb please same project as previos comment
can i please get a ligh thdr bcln pbcn plut supercooled deyt merc
Yeah, PM me if you need any help, and it doesn't just have to do with bombs either :D
Good job man, it's awesome. Hey, You want any help making these, I'm always willing to help out. :)
I'm done.
I can try, but Circovik's wall is really good.