Hell yeah. Fast electron scaner with compact display and one button. Display shows RED and CYAN colors.
GOKOP: You spark the red button, obviously the display will turn green, cuz nothing is in, but it you put something (METL) in it, it will turn red
Vote down because I don't understand it :|
Ya, nice EXOT waves! I have some ideas how to use it in future.
actually, it looks awsome filled with exotic. (still breaks it though)
oh, and don't put exotic or explosives in it either. (kaboom!)
brilliant. never thought of using electrons like that! New idea and definately deserves fp.
is only slight problem, it has spaces where it doesnt detect anything. grid patturns
What does it do... *checks comments* Oh.
at first i thought it scanned FOR electrons not WITH. moral is...don't put electrons in it. (oops)
Awesomeness!!! +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!