6 / 0
28th Jul 2012
12th Sep 2012
This is the Halo Forge Club of TPT! Ask to join by comments and dont forget to join on the website!
forge halo club


  • remington123
    18th Nov 2012
    you still on?
  • halofan117
    29th Oct 2012
    sup remington
  • remington123
    26th Oct 2012
    sup halofan
  • halofan117
    12th Sep 2012
    the club and mae a logo for it. like sjd704 did but even then it wont be the main logo it'll just be part of the logo page.
  • halofan117
    12th Sep 2012
    ok i sort of see your point but the thing is i didnt make these logos see the co leader did and he has never seen the halo forge epidemic so he cant be copying. and i cant except a logo unless you join
  • Xenomorph
    12th Sep 2012
    im not trolling its my opinion and at least i didnt -1 u + the fact that u put the oracle facing froward and u could have easily tilted the oricle a little to its side and but the "HTC" on the left but that would take an imagination i hope u see my point in what i said and if i was a troll wouldnt i -1? think about it, i'll gladly make u a better logo once u see my point and dam this is a loong comment
  • halofan117
    12th Sep 2012
    saying not hating when in fact you are hating is pointless, troll go get a life and stop trolling.
  • halofan117
    12th Sep 2012
    no in fact i didnt copy the halo forge epidemic! its a general idea to use the monitor as a logo which is the mane thing in forge. and i made this cos forge is my favorite part of halo also
  • Xenomorph
    12th Sep 2012
    no -1 tho
  • Xenomorph
    12th Sep 2012
    minus as well call it halo forge epidemic cause u basically copied there youtube logo, and its kinda a pointless club cause there is already a halo club and who buys halo only to use forge.... (not haten)....(well just a little hate)