83 / 7
30th Aug 2012
16th Nov 2013
Its th first pose :D that will point up no matter how u use the ctrl+r to rotate it and it works on all and every single mode in the options.for those who are wondering,its based on a sprk bug so i dont know if it will work on future updates.
compass cooooooool tptisbugy bug rotate insulator coductor glitch explainhow pose


  • jerrythebest
    31st Aug 2012
    @ravanger095 thanks
  • ravanger095
    31st Aug 2012
    This is awesome +1... This is kinda... the new revolution on TPT i mean... THIS IS GENUINE!
  • Poorsoft
    31st Aug 2012
    This is so amazing dude, very great! So here, the insulator is basically moving? It looks very hard to think about, so I congratulate you for your hard work and effort!
  • dratini0
    31st Aug 2012
    I did my explanation. Search for ""Ethernal pose" explained". (PS.: This is awsome!)
  • combustion-man
    31st Aug 2012
    could make it into a working compass =p
  • combustion-man
    31st Aug 2012
    awsome +1
  • jerrythebest
    31st Aug 2012
    @dratini your the first one that understand its logic :D
  • dratini0
    31st Aug 2012
    It works by using 2 conductors 1 and 2 pixels away horizontally and verically, and placing an insulator between them. If you place the insulator to the one place, the conductors will be separated, otherwise not. If you rotate this sensor, the insulator will move. I can not really explain, I will show a simplified version.
  • jerrythebest
    31st Aug 2012
    Awesome its my first fp!!!:D
  • rop1p
    31st Aug 2012
    this doesn't work with the beta