I will make free logos. Leave a comment with your name and what you want the logo to look like. Thanks!!
Ok thanks, but post it tomorrow please. It's quarter to nine here in South Africa and it would help if you posted it say at two o clock tomorrow? What's the time by you?
Hmmm.... Im geussing if im in a rush an hour and a half. Idk it might not take that long.
Chris, yeah that sounds cool. But again I ask when it will be finished?
jtheking do u want it to say your name and union jack or just ur name or just union jack? Sry im a little confused.
Ill speed it up a little
Im thinking of some graffiti, tall letters, outlined in red, black in the middle of the letters. Have the PR1 right under it. Maybe make it oozeing red. Sound good?
please please please!!!
Thanks. When will it be finished though? Got school tomorrow and I'm not really a frequent TPT player . . .
plese could you make me a logo union jack out of lcry with a embr effect like i have senn if thats too much just like coat it in diamond painted black plese (jtheking999)
Ok red and black. Got it