24th Sep 2012
17th Nov 2013
EXOT, ELEC, HYGN, and DEUT, all compressed and layered into one cool looking fusion ball. Some BHOL is created, but only a little.
@jacob1: what do you need to create a black hole?
mods are like a new update to minecraft, just made by someone else (+1 for jacob1s mod) ... and if you have 1032984 mods you still have the original .exe for the one and only tpt!
almost all mods are .exe files, and you can't use those on macs. Lua scripts will work though. And by the way, mods to tpt aren't installed like in many other games, you just run the .exe file for the mod instead of the normal game, it's completely separate and does not need the real game.
how do i install mods on my mac?!
mods to the game are really simple. They don't need to be installed or anything, you just download an exe and run it. Most mods add new useful elements or other things. My mod also adds many features to the game too. They aren't like minecraft mods or anything. Also, the other kind of mods are moderators ... i'm one of those.
sorry im very new to tpt. but can someone explain this sthing about mods?
no idea... maybe there is less places for the particles to spread out and then there is more stacking, the cause of BHOL.
If you surround the whole thing with a thick layer of VIBR, it makes more BHOL. why?
uh, what? I can't see what you are responding too. My last comment was october 20th (which is a reason I use my mod, you didn't know that)
@jacob1, ... what has happened to the morality of this world XD