82 / 11
24th Sep 2012
17th Nov 2013
EXOT, ELEC, HYGN, and DEUT, all compressed and layered into one cool looking fusion ball. Some BHOL is created, but only a little.
nuke bomb press7 jacob1 layered layers layer exot 956074 fusion


  • techno156
    1st Nov 2012
    If anyone would like to know, the BHOL is created because there are too many particles in the same place
  • jacob1
    20th Oct 2012
    I guess yours was cool, it looks the same, but I did this in a completely different way. This one does fusion and has particles directly on top of each other.
  • YouBannanas
    20th Oct 2012
    This Is Like Mine. By The Way Could You Check Mine Out. :)
  • jacob1
    12th Oct 2012
    ACCount- Every single time I see your comment, I think the 'm' is an 'n'...
  • ACCount-
    26th Sep 2012
    I'm maked tutorial "How to layer 3+". Without source editing.
  • Israel99
    25th Sep 2012
    this looks so cool...
  • jacob1
    24th Sep 2012
    Yes, that works too. (but only allows 2 layers I think). This one was also hard to do even then, I had to click really fast or else it would draw a few layers at once.
  • Israel99
    24th Sep 2012
    what if you used the way involving phot?
  • jacob1
    24th Sep 2012
    I made this by modifying the source and adding p = -3; in create_part, overriding the check for if there's already an element in the spot. It would be harder for you to do that though, you really can't do it easily at all.
  • jonny1888
    24th Sep 2012
    how do i layer elements?