Great gun! (BTW JB isn't even shot at times, lolz)
very nice job +1, but u should create better targeting system, cause for me, it killed JB only after aprox. 15secs
This won't get kicked off due to the high quality of the weapon. If it does...Gravity_Guy might rage. D:
@Uberness Not justin bieber saves, just hate saves. If the save hates on a group/person, it's against the rules. So a save that's pixel art of JB is OK, but shooting him isn't. I'm not a JB either way, and kind of like this save.
It's against the rules to make justin bieber saves...
Have you ever read the rules for puiblishing? Lol gives him a seisure. @_@
boston? Idk. football is different over here. I hate soccer but fooball (like rugby) is awesome.