Lol Gravity_Guy, guess that means your the old person XD, i , also, cj646464, (assuming you meant me by the barrells not working) The minigun operates with a rotating barrell system, as to increase ROF (Rate of Fire) and this means it has one striking pin, and that pin is located in the interior of the body of the gun, just inside the body next to the barrells, and it will strike the top barrell each time, and the barrells rotate in time to this as to have the bullet chambered in each barrell be fired as soon as that barrell is at the top of the barrells, at the end of one revolution and at the beginning of another.
Awesome. I gots something this week.
What do you mean not all nbarrels are firing. Theyre all firing fine.
Um, sorry Gravity_Guy, but im not seeing anything about barrell rotation, unless im just not looking hard enough, but im not seeing it anyway. Ah well, no worries anyway.
Oh, can I try and fix them. Please, Im really good with guns.
silent-hunter, how old are you?
I know about barrels, read description.