29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
GLAS / anything to do with redirection of PHOT, PROT and ELEC kinda doesn't work. There are old saves where optic elements don't function anymore, which is a shame. If energy particle physics where altered could there be some kind of a menu where I can select (energy particle no update). 1/2
While back you (Jacob1) explained to me that when VIRS comes to contact with ROCK / other textured elements it turns them mono-color. What if texture was rendered again through some noise algorithm. Ofcourse it wouldn't match what was before, but I think it should be fine.
Although if servers had to now store not only all comment sections but also their alteration that might be rough.
EAZEYEAL: I think not having the ability to change what was written is better. People should be mindful of their words. If however ability to change what was written was to be implemented as Jacob1 said it should have limits or even a history of what was before. A highlighting algorithm could be implemented to show all the places where text was altered.
Oh, but in that case it's not because of the name, but because of the rulestring. If the rulestring matches another one exactly, it won't allow it. Thanks anyway though!
oh yeah, the error it gives: "This custom GoL rule already exists"
probably the first time in a very long time this save has been used for it's intended purpose. There's a bug with custom GOL types, where if you make a name longer than 4 letters (such as FORT0) and then make another different name longer than 4 letters but with the same first 4 letters (such as FORT1), it'll say the name is already taken even though they are different.
Ideas: Helium, Liquid helium, Nitrogen, Liquid carbon dioxide.
idk if it was just for me but the tpt servers were down for a while
explosivepowder: TPT does have a ton of tech debt, but LBPHacker has been working for years to improve it, so it's actually not as bad as it once was. Plan basically is to keep updating TPT, just slower. We don't do the same level of development that we used to. Definitely no TPT 2 planned, that's for sure. Also, your element hasn't ever existed, even in concept. Maybe it was a mod?