187 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • d4zk1tty
    30th Sep 2012
    now ligh is'nt working prporly (rageface) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • cyberdragon442
    30th Sep 2012
    Now people are saying the trons don't work in my 936882 save. But they work fine for me in the old version.
  • jacob1
    30th Sep 2012
    d4zk1tty: That crash is fixed for the next version. I also know about the stamp problem, stamps are really glitchy for now, and may not show up at all.
  • Box-Poorsoft
    30th Sep 2012
    I think it's time to say this: Don't say "I hate this new update" "plz chayng!" "Go back"! This is a save for bug reporting, obviously.
  • d4zk1tty
    30th Sep 2012
    omg i was just working on a gun of mine and accidently did ctrl + v instead of ctrl + c and then tpt crashed!!! ahhhhhhhh please fix this!!!
  • d4zk1tty
    30th Sep 2012
    the stamps are glirching out like no tommorow the stamp preview won't work properly like i made my new logo and saved it as a stamp as i go but the preview was a gun i was working on 4 someone
  • jacob1
    29th Sep 2012
    I reported the id: problem, it doesn't work with unpublished saves. I'm still using my mod too. I don't see the problem with your titanic save. The thumbnails I also reported.
  • cyberdragon442
    29th Sep 2012
    um...now the old one is messing up too...in my titanic. 906105. What is going on with the stickman?
  • cj646464
    29th Sep 2012
    Yeah, Im just running on your mod and its perfectly fine for now. Im going back to jacob1's mod on legacy.
  • doorismagic
    29th Sep 2012
    i hate the latest update