187 / 28
29th Sep 2012
16th Mar 2014
Post any bugs you find here. But there aren't as many bugs that are really bugs and I don't already know about than when this first started, so also use this as a general conversation save, or to ask / tell me anything. #1 most commented save in tpt!
problems jacob1 bugreport glitch fix 960847 tptpp bugs tptplusplus glitches


  • gatedestroyer
    16th June
    Why PROT with Temp 9999 has no effect on STKM. But PROT set to -444 kills STKM? I made some PROT obstacles and made them move using vx/vy. I tried every single one of energy particles set to 9999 and none would kill STKM. It would be nice if Hot and Cold temperatures killed him.
  • jacob1
    8th June
    gatedestroyer: life elements are not real elements, correct. Only plain GOL / LIFE is real, the rest are all just alternate ctypes of LIFE that get different display names in the HUD.
  • jacob1
    8th June
    gatedestroyer: My mod (and therefore Android) is based off an older codebase without sample tool. So that's why sample doesn't exist on Android. You have to middle click to get it. Perhaps a future version will add sample tool back (it's not hard to implement, I just never thought it was useful)
  • jacob1
    8th June
    The avatar system is a bit broken right now. That could mean it isn't in a supported format, try png or jpg, then whichever of the two didn't work. You also have to give it time, when you upload it it won't show up anywhere for like an hour. That's a bug I need to fix sometime.
  • cWzzzzz
    8th June
    how come when i upload a pfp it just goes black?
  • gatedestroyer
    30th May
    I was trying to use LIFE to make some art, but when I write !set type MAZE NONE ,it says element not found. Is LIFE not seen by the game as element?
  • gatedestroyer
    30th May
    In TOOLS tab on PC, there is a thing called SAMPLER, but it's not in android version. Why?
  • jacob1
    30th May
    gatedestroyer: For WIFI, I really suggest against using exactly 200C. The ranges go from 100C-199.99C. You should use something in the middle. That will help prevent issues when 200C gets rounded to 199.85C. It changes because we don't use perfect precision while saving. LOLZ is a fun secret, there's a few others too. They are hidden as easter eggs, not because they have bugs.
  • jacob1
    30th May
    gatedestroyer: If you get rate limited, it tells you how many seconds you have to wait. It shouldn't be more than a minute (unless you're spamming, but you weren't).
  • gatedestroyer
    30th May
    Maybe of topic, but why there are hidden elements like LOLZ and so on. Are they unstable/glitched. Is this why they are hidden, or are they just fun secrets?