12th Oct 2012
20th Jan 2013
Update: just testing CRAY saving stuff for my mod. Ignore for now since you don't have CRAY ...
private save, i fixed the piston problem, now im working on a fuel pump id:1090376
here it is id:1089724
hey does anything not stick to the piston? lol im trying to build a motor and the piston keeps grabbing the dmnd, ill post it so you can see what i mean
Just a suggestion for a PSTN demo: 1079837
the default element for invalid ones is DUST in my mod, but I may have changed it to DMND like tpt++. But it sees the element one above the current tpt max, and the one right above it BALL in my mod, so that happens.
What would CRAY do? And why does it show up as BALL in your mod? (You'd expect the default element for unrecognizables to be something that isn't reliably glitchy)
yeah, if you like this, see my reusable bombs, which this is. Also, check your CLST pressure bug save, I fixed the bug. It literally took 3 seconds to find...
That's awesome. Reminds me of the flare system used on AC130
check out this save id:1003548 they are vibr nukes!
there is some info (there's even more then it says) on the wiki, in the radioactive section.