This is really good but the art could use some work so ya i understand its difficult i myself have seen work like this torn apart by voters but i give you +1!
I said your helicopter is an amazing representation of this type of helicopter and it is one of my favorite air vehicles beside the Oxcart.
Maybe somebody want to discuss my helicopter?
Dovahking: yes, war is completely bad, and I don't really support that America goes into so many other countries either (without even declaring war, we just barge in there and do what we want), but you shouldn't argue about it in other people's saves. Maybe create your own, but tpt isn't really a good place for this. It's ok to want to make a copy of helicopter like this, it's probably rarely used to kill anyone, don't vote down or argue because of opinions though.
SEE...that's what you scatter them away from the comment bar. They are all hiding from your spam. 0_o o_0 *zip*
Where do you live Dovah? And I feel bad for Gravity Guy. A random argument broke out on his save.
Ha! No cj646464, i'm 14 as well and am totally on your side. Dovahking is just relentless with his posts. Thats amazing that you father is in Afghanistan now and I give him my regards.
Guys, you have differing opinions. The voting system is an expression of opinion. Stop trying to convince one another that one specific opinion is "correct." Anyway, you can't change your vote after making it, so why argue?