sorry "Fl" - ununquadium :)
Is a great website. Thanks for the link - useful to me. However, I regret to say that in order to react Au with Fv I must create a separate mod for TPT. Here different mods:
And technically there are seven states of matter, but I'm still impressed there are 5 there
This is awesome, but there is research from the GSI & Mainz lab at that shows that Flerovium (114) reacts with gold! of course, you don't have to make it so it does, and I don't even know of a material that does so in the powder game, but i thot it would be cool.
ok already changed the Bose-Einstein condensate into English :)
i doubt that anyone knows what a Bose-Einstein Condensate is
OK. I add gold and tungesten :)
Edit: Gold (AU) now exists in powder toy. Please do real gold now :D Thank you.