6th Nov 2012
11th Nov 2012
A chain of elements that are produced by adding energy to a single origen element. The chains demonstrate the power of fusion and how it can be used to create endless energy and produce matter. (only in tpt)
HaHa unpause it and everything explodes
@Thebuilder, Heat up hydrogen massively and put it under massive pressure, and it will fuze.
@thebuilder, look up gases on the powder toy wiki it gives the pressures and heats necessary for each stage of fusion
Ok thanks for explaining. I dont know much about exot but that makes sense
Can someone please tell me how you make hydrogen fusion?! i have spent hours mixing elements and NOTHING HAPPENES >_>
I origninaly left out oxygen as it only exists for the briefest of moments. By that logic I should also add wtrv and fire, even though we don't see much of it. Vibr does produce neut and phot, but they are gone after 6 - 10 frames (1/6 of a secound on my computer). The electrons come from the exot produced, which form hydrogen which instantly turns to noble then co2. I will make another varient which shows everything, but for this one take it as the main components
I took a closer look at vibr and it doesn't make noble and co2 directly, it makes brel, exot, lots of pressure and probably lots of heat, and neutrons and electrons which combine into hydrogen then fuse into noble then co2. Theoretically, it should be very possible to make oxygen too from a vibr explosion but in my experience oxygen burns away really quickly if it fuses in big areas like in bombs.
Why does it keep making black hole when I compress it?
i have no idea what this is, but pretty colors +1
interesting 1+