Thank you Feynman. II am looking at this from the website and someone spelled neet wrong in a tag. Im flaming in my study hall.
@dom2mom; I never really published much until I felt I was reasonably experienced-you won't find anything nooby under my name, but I was a noob. @cj646464 and DoritosTaco; I care because...? Maybe a USP 45 should have gotten more views, but it was your first save. You hadn't amassed much of a reputation. (although, as CJ said, that is irrelevant to the save.)
my first save, a realistic USP 45. handgun, 0 views
My first save was a bunker, although this is irrelevant to the save itself.
When I just started, my saves were lousy. Like, stick some noble gas into some conductive wall kinda lousy XD. I think weve all been there. Then I deleted my saves, and started making things that were actually decent XD. No complecated eletronics though, I'm not very good at that XD
Yeah...I've been here more than 2 years now, so they build up. I do sometimes erase lousy saves, but I generally don't even save lousy saves.
Do you seriously have OVER 900 SAVES?! -_- Do you ever erase your crappy ones?!
pun ruining might start one...especially if you ruin someone elses.
Srry, cyber, I didnt want to have an international incident.