gvx, gvy, dl, dr and old_video are considered undeclared identifiers, why? So are lm, lx, ly, x, y, line_x, line_y, check_data, http_session_check, do_s_check, chec_data. pixel is "an illegal use of this type as an expression" memcpy is "a pointer mismatch for actual parameter 1" http_async_req_status is "a pointer mismatch for actual parameter 1" Basicly there are a lot of undeclared identifiers and other errors unrelated to the compiling why are they there?
@PizzaPlatypus(View Post) No, that's the latest development version, v59. If you look at the changes I linked to, it should give you an idea of what to change in your source to fix the error messages. Line numbers will probably be different, but the source hasn't changed that much.
can't find: strcpy(lowername, ptypes[parts[cr>>8].ctype].name); in main.c EDIT: I can't get mingw cos my computer blocks it so I have to use visual studio. EDIT: done all the things I could find that needed editing now I have LNK errors.