Sponge FLY?!

  • Jammy45
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jenn4 (View Post)
    why call him a n00b? he's just new i made the same thread when i was newish.
  • jenn4
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    noob and n00b arent same
  • user25
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Are you dyslexic, or just stupid/lazy?
    You spelled sponge right in the title, but wrong in the post? Be consistent.

    Tell me thats not mean, its really mean
  • Jammy45
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jenn4 (View Post)
    i know i read the posts that got you and P-F-D banned. and he's not a n00b

    @User25 the way he said it was mean maybe if he reworded it a bit.

    i've also relized that everyone picks on the new users.Why?They are no different. we were all new once.
  • MasterMind555
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @mariosargac (View Post)
    Dude, you didn't even looked

    In your exact words
    ( Look at the FIRST result, it's "How to make sponge fly" )
    This have 10 times more results
  • Jammy45
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Holy shizz someone just say it!

    your making it so much harder than it is.

    go to the console press ~ right beside the 1 on most keyboards and then write this.

    !set vx spng -1 or !set vy spng -1

    also the higher the number the faster it moves.
  • cooldaddy96
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post)
    Don't be arrogant. You where a noob once. Also, the spelling is phoneticially correct, so if you took the time to read it out loud, it would be obvious what he ment to say. It may not be perfect, but the spelling is far from illegiable.
  • jenn4
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    that post what gave me ban was totally true and then i got 3 day ban that was annoying.
    No mods i dont want another ban.
  • user25
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I was a noob for a while too... lol
  • cctvdude99
    5th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You know what, shut up.
    I told him to use the search bar, which is helping. People gotta learn the ropes. You can't just hand them everything on a plate. The become reliant on others, and even more nooby. I am preventing noobs, like jenn4 said, as I am helping them become less nooby, by telling them to do things that aren't nooby and prevent spam. :)

    So next time you post, user25, please, think first.

    Maybe my first post was a bit mean, and worded badly. Sorry.

    But, user25, I never went posting stupid element suggestions, or random help topics that can easily be worked out, or wiki'd.