int update_GBOB(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS) { int r,rx,ry; for (rx=-2; rx<3; rx++)<br/> for (ry=-2; ry<3; ry++)<br/> if (x+rx>=0 && y+ry>0 && x+rx { r = pmap[y+ry][x+rx]; if ((r>>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if ((r&0xFF)!=PT_GBOB) { pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]+=5; part_change_type(i, x, y, PT_HSLF); } } return 0; }
@jenn4(View Post) I've now tried that, still only an explosion with no HSLF. Also whilst we have a thread about code not working here's another thing: else if (rt==PT_SPCR) { if (parts[i].life>=3&&parts[r>>8].life==0) { flood_parts(x+rx,y+ry,PT_SPRK,PT_SPCR,-1);//spark the wire } }
This is in SPRK.c just after the code for INST I also put this in the list of conditions for conduction: if (ct==PT_SPCR && !parts[i].temp<=73.15f)<br/> conduct_sprk = 0;
What I want it to do is act like INST but only when extremely cold it does this but only works once, after that no matter what the heat it doesn't work again. The code that was the reason for originally making this thread now works.