VIBR tutorial

  • Fast-Driver
    5th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @therocketeer (View Post)

     That's pretty clever. Maybe that should be changed though... :)

    @Alec_the_Martin (View Post)

     Yeah, it's probably a glitch, but it's still cool.

    @barts0924 (View Post)

     You'd be surprised to know it's not random at all. It gathers energy from heat, pressure and energy particles and when those values reach a limit, it releases the energy in the form of heat (while glowing) and it explodes.

  • m_shinoda
    5th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @barts0924 (View Post)

     When a lot of energy (particles,heat,pressure) is applied to it, it stores it as its life. Essentially a time bomb for lack of a better description. I'm not quite sure about thelife-cap, I think it glows when it is 750 frames from exploding.