*Do not post mod announcements*

  • Sylvi
    5th Jan 2013 Moderator 1 Permalink

    @me4502 (View Post)

     We already have an elements suggestion thread. Also not to mention the Feedback topic is where you can find ideas users want.

  • au5513lr
    9th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Lockheedmartin said "These threads announce a mod that will be released in a year or months from the thread. They may also ask for suggestions. I'm getting tired of these threads because some of them are never released or will never be released for many years.


    If you make a thread here about one, it'll probably be moved or deleted."


    But most of us disagree

  • jacob1
    10th Apr 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    just you isn't "most of us" though. All this is saying is you need to show actual work before you post a thread like this. This is a valid rule, many other games have rules like this too that I have seen because of the huge number of "i'm making this but haven't started yet and I need people / ideas" threads.

    If you want ideas but don't know if you are starting, you could always post in the general forum or something, or anywhere else that works. But there are already many idea threads, just pick some you like, maybe post in there saying you might try to make it, and go do it before you start the thread for the mod.
  • Onlyonedan
    16th Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I added a +1 to every moderators/developers text in this thread :D