If you !Set tmp vibr 10000 and then !set life vibr 999999999 it becomes great armor.
Christ -_- DO YOU REALLY DONT KNOW that VIBR cooled by CLFM after recharging back to primal form?
Problem: Clone is considered cheating in many armor contests, so in a self sufficient design, I would need a way to creat CLFM constantly to reset Vibranium.
Um. !set tmp2 vibr 1 and !set life vibr 65535 and it's done. Have fun. Oh, and you can still use BCLN.
Problem: Clone is considered cheating in many armor contests, so in a self sufficient design, I would need a way to creat CLFM constantly to reset Vibranium.
Using negative pressure works too.
!set tmp vibr 99999
!set life vibr -1
k so im the same wa you might not even be using powder toy anymore or already know this but I just figured out that when vibranium gets so much energy and then you know it activates and it glows harder or whatever once it enters that state if you touch it with CFLM then it will flash blue and white but then turn back to normal