@greymatter (View Post) thanks, what is this STAR?
STAR is a life element. You find it find it in the Game of Life category or look for it in the Search for Elements tool.
Man you guys are lame and bitter, crushing someone's dreams like that. Oh well. Ihla: Personally, realism is overrated and if a smaller, more esoteric design (i.e. implementing rarer parts) can be made, it should be. But I appreciate challenge, and out of curiosity, is Wi-Fi and breakable clone 'cheat part's as well?
If there was a way to create Noble Gas out of reactions, I'd look into doing that.
Well, NBLE can be made with fusion, so a fusion rocket?
I think that has been done before.
I think that has been done before.
So what? I haven't done it before, ergo, I will do it.