What? Watching over it? explain please, I have a hard time understanding you...
wolfy and I are already "watching over" the mod. we want programmers.
Not unless you are good at C++
It does not require python, but it is recomended. I made a tutorial on the wiki for how to do it without python, and in my opinion it is easier, but it was taken down so that more people would use the python way, because that is the official way of business. So, if you start a convo with me i can show you how to do it without python.
Post exams im going to work on this alot more, so message me then
@firefreak11 (View Post)
Apparently NUCLEAR_FOX does'nt want to code but want to become a moderator if you make a seperate website for the game or something...
I know c++, but i haven't even compiled tpt's surce code because i don't have python to compile generator.py. If this does not require python than maybe i can help.
This is what i want...