This thread has a sample half adder, the basic device computers use to add numbers together.
Basically, subtraction is just adding negative numbers, multiplication is repeated addition, and division is repeated subtraction.
This video helped me a lot in making (basic) calculators, you might want to watch it. It explains the logic behind adders.
Watch this video, and you will be a pro at it:
btw, are you talking about this awesome calculator that uses logic gates?
You might wanna fix it not being able to add 7+1
Yeah, you're right. But its impossible to fix it, using logic gates require the signal to come at exacly the same time, and even if i eventually sync those, i would make other gates delayed and ... yeah, im proposing a new element to solve this: because i really love the eletronic part of tpt, but its really hard to make use of it.