Mathue24 And who's poll is that? It doesn't matter. If it was released for mobile, we'd want it on all platforms. Just like the one we have on the computer. (OSX, Linux, Windows, ect.)
Offtopic: You make me wanna fly a plane a child's hospital full of bunnies and one guy survive and go home and beat his wife.
No If somebody go and count howmutch peoples have iPHONES and odher cell phones
First of all. Use appropriate grammar and spelling!
And i'm challenging you to go and count which type of phone everyone has in your country or the matter of fact, THE WHOLE WORLD. Ipod touch would bring the most hits. I swear to you
EDIT: Thanks AntB, didn't think anyone would get that joke here. Buahaha
lolzy I posted a topic about this a while back and Simon can't and won't write the scripts for the iPod/iPhone. However, I know someone got the powdertoy working on the wii