Destroyable Reactor (can't figure out)

  • minecraft-physics
    30th Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    I built a tiny PLUT-based reactor that's reasonably realistic:

    The reactor uses 3 particles of BOYL to produce pressure, and PIPE/STOR to drop each pixel pf PLUT in one at a time. THe automatic electronics are dead simple- it stops putting PLUT in if:
    Too much PLUT is in the chamber (What the DTEC is for)
    The reactor temperature is greater than 152°C
    The pressure is greater than 6

    However, this version needs work– it explodes very readily under automatic control
  • bowserinator
    31st Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    What you need are stronger reactor walls. (Simple answer) SWCH counts? (ACID can break it) 

    How about VIRR with a simple CFLM cooling system? 

  • the_new_powder99999
    31st Aug 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Insl and ttan layers are definitley the best destroyable reactor components. However, you can switch to aray or gravity shielding for fusion, the plasma really makes it hard to control, making those the best that you can use without making the reactor too indestructable.