how do you make a epic bomb/nuke

  • NorthMustang
    21st Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    If you would like to stick to the more realistic 'nukes' that don't use elements that could be considered 'cheaty':




  • Karakanlud
    21st Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    If you need long ambient heat (like melting the nuclear bunker save), I usually add BCLN(BIZR) too. BIZR turns into BIZS in the trajectory of the flying BCLN, and it preserves the heat of the bomb for a long time.

  • GreenGuy321
    23rd Mar 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    or i just figured out, make a circle of titanium, then delete all of the center, so it is around a 3-5 pixel thick ring, then put a small amount of polonium in it, then fill the rest with deut and set its life to 70000 and wait

  • _Theo
    24th Mar 2020 Member 0 Permalink


    25th Mar 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 25th Mar 2020
  • TheSadLad
    26th Jan 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    what i did was make a large hollow circle filled 75% of it with EXOT and 25% with electrons (paused) the when you unpause it and it should react quickly heating the EXOT to the point it liquefies and it  will burn through most things

  • Riptier1
    1st Feb 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    no-no-no! you will see an immensely powerful bomb. It is a specific type of bomb The AZURE WEAPON. Read the comments to see how to make it.?ID=2611804

    Edited once by Riptier1. Last: 1st Feb 2021
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