There is no "make TPT have scale:x" the scale attribute works to infinity as long as your monitor resolution is large enough (to avoid confusion bigger size does NOT equal bigger resolution).
To find if you can use "scale:z" (could be a few pixels off but should be accurate enough for anyone) this.
x = monitor x resolution y = monitor y resolution z = scale:"z"
(x < z*626) && (y < z*424)
a table of resolutions needed scale:1 = ANYxANY - since you don't need to scale works on any resolution scale:2 = 1252x848 - largest "Full HD" 1080p screens can do scale:3 = 1878x1272 - the 30 inch imacs can do this (or screens bigger than 1920x1200) scale:4 = 2504x1696 - the movie theater projectors or equivilant