PS3 or XBOX 360?

  • Uberness
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Think about it, people torrent games they cannot afford, therefore they get it for free.
  • Mur
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    A good PC for gaming just smash all consoles.
  • MasterMind555
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink


    PC PWNS everything in his path, EXCEPT maybe things like Kinect.
    So between PS3 and Xbox 360, I would choose Xbox, cause you can have kinect ON IT, no need to buy all a new freaking expensive console, you add it to your Xbox, and you still can use all the crap you downloaded on your xbox and LIVE
    And just looking at some game's sells, Xbox games are more sold.
  • Rconover
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Xbox Pros:
    More available games
    Repair services
    5 USB ports

    Xbox Cons:
    Fatass adapter box thing
    Disks have ~10 GB disk capacity

    Ps3 Pros:
    10% failure rate
    Free Multiplayer
    Not loud as crap
    Lots of space (hardrive/disk)

    Ps3 Cons:
    No playing Ps2 games
    Removed 2 USB ports
    Slow downloading

    The number of games does not matter at all.
    It is not cheaper, you have to purchase many more things after the actual console, that the PS3 already comes with.
    Repair services only apply under warranty and if you want to pay for the service or not. Consistency is not observable.

    The PS3 is backwards compatible, it has 4 USB ports, SD ports, HDMI port, and other memory device acceptance (Based on the 2006 PS3 80g model which I still have, the newer systems offer less for cheaper)

    Downloading is based solely on YOUR internet, implying that you are talking about internet.

    The PS3 has a better processor and different configuration that allows multiple actions at once, instead of the more linear method in the Xbox.

    People also claim to say that "Oh Xbox has Netflix, Facebook and other applications"

    So does PS3, using its web-browser you can access all of those applications, you can even install custom firmware to play other games not format-able to the PS3 originally.


    You don't need to buy a new system to use the PS3 MOVE either.
  • Mur
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    But we could hack Kinect and plug it onto a PC.
  • Merbo
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Xbox 360 Elite FTW...
    Wii For The Hax!

    It's me! lol
    DON'T call me small.
  • MasterMind555
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah but its not everyone that is a hacker and have time to do that....
  • Z0MG1337H4X0R5
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    id have to say out of pc,ps3,xbox360, its xbox cuz my comp is crap and lags so much it might be a world record,i only no 1 person who uses ps3 and lke 50 with xbox360,it has the halo series, more games, faster online, and it has a hands free sistem(kinect), not a ugly square stick(wii) or a light-up sex toy(ps3).
    i chose xbox360 even tho mine failed on me :P
  • jma1111
    26th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Xbox 360.
  • Ark5
    26th Dec 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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