Shrinking contest

  • EnganK
    3rd March Member 1 Permalink
    What happened to the "Bad Apple" save? It got almost a hundred likes and could have won, but then it just spontaneously disappeared
  • LBPHacker
    3rd March Developer 1 Permalink
    I was unsatisfied with that save; the screen is too small, and the poor resolution;
    The shrinking process has ruined the original save, and I've given less effort, unlike the other saves(contest entries).
    So, I removed the "shrinking2025" tag and am going to unpublish it until the contest ends

    -- @QnpfvTPz
  • jacob1
    3rd March Developer 1 Permalink
    Fairly disappointing, I think it was an excellent save. Hard to say if I would have voted it, I did try to vote saves that I thought were both faithful, and had a high level of effort put into them. I definitely think that save had effort put in, and the resolution is meant to be low, that doesn't hold it back.
  • ThonaserPyday
    3rd March Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 3rd March