UNOFFICIAL Powder Toy Shop

  • Diissaster
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Mange the market.

    Keep the flow going.

    Make sure the market doesn't Die.

    Most importantly, Moderate Trades.

    EDIT: Added your object to the market

    EDIT2:Given you 100 credits for becoming a guru.
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, I'll do that.
  • Diissaster
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Also, I'll give you 200 credits Lol, if you could get some more people, and add some items to the market.

    EDIT: Also perhaps do an improved desc and PM me it.
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, I'll do that.

    Edit- Ooh, I PM you it. Ok, I'll add some more things.
  • Diissaster
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm just seeing if this goes to the next page.


    EDIT: You could use creations you already have. I'm active, so I will Edit post.
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Market Status: 1152 (+3%)
    History: 1000, 950, 980, 1100, 1095, 1280, 1152

    Always listen to these otherwise you will be removed!
    Diissaster : ∞
    Candunc : ∞

    Star market:
    Get votes on your creations for credits, with our new system. I Usually charge variations on how good your creation is. (You get a better price for a better creation!) PM me(Diissaster) for details.

    This is more of a game than anything, so don't take it seriously.

    If you want to sign up just post. Default Credits to start with is 100.

    Advertising is a don't see why not.

    Employing people is allowed

    Message me abckjehd30 for a free 50 credits

    I do not have a balance, and will not buy items, but will put some on the market.

    If you want something to go on the market , post it in this format.


    For example you might put:

    Name: Expert Logic Gate Package
    Price: 10
    Description: Includes four micro logic gates - AND, OR, XOR and NOT!
    Seller: Bob.
    Quantity: Unlimited

    Also you may post bids.

    The users currently involved:
    Singularity: 150
    PowerShroomsAttack: 150
    andrewdavidloftus: 9
    Cookie (Eaten)
    A.D.L Incorprated
    alexthesax: 150
    roguegeneral-- :0
    Rouge General Enterpises
    HeavensGate257 : 100
    plead-for-destruction : 10
    Company: PTER

    A.D.L. Incorperated:
    Owned by:andrewdavidloftus
    In His own words:
    It does mostly electronics and explosives. It focuses on making new revolutionary software and ideas. It is currently looking for 5 employees who will maintain the price changes depending on economy and other various jobs. They will each get 5-10% of the income.A.D.L. Inc Job Application Instructions

    The job categories r:

    1. Price Changers- change the prices of products according the changes in the economy's value
    2. Sellers- PM (so then only they and the buyers have access to it) our buyers the url of what creation they ordered
    3. Creators- make creations to sell on the market through my company. I will give you instructions as to what to make
    4. Thinkers- Think of creations for the creators to make to go on the market. I will choose which ones to
    5. Glitch Finders- Report (PM) all new glitches u find to me.
    6. General Managers- One per categories 1-5. Manage all of the employees in that category as told by me or VP
    7. Vice President- Manages the GMs

    Wages (may vary):
    Catagory 1- 2%
    Catagory 2- 2%
    Catagory 3- 50% profit of every creation they make
    Catagory 4- 1%
    Catagory 5- to be decided at a later date
    Catagory 6- 7%
    Catagory 7- 10%

    After i accept you into the company with whatever job you choose, i will give u a detailed definition of the specifics for that job.

    Accepting job category 1-5 applications now.
    Rogue General Enterprises:
    Owner: roguegeneral--
    In his own words:
    specialty: military
    Buyers: We here at RGE support capitalism. its expensive but fair.NO PREJUDICE
    factory workers: 10/h
    GM 20/h
    supervisor: 10/h
    Weapon Testers: 100 new weapon tested + life insurance
    M & M Enterprises/The Syndicate:
    Owner: DucTape
    In his own words:
    Salaries, as well as positions in the company, are negotiable, but EVERYONE has a share, the good of The Syndicate is the good of all.
    Owner: plead-for-destruction

    The Market
    Name: 50 Credits
    Price: FREE!
    Description: Must be a member to claim.
    Seller: Diissaster
    Quantity: SOLDOUT
    Name: Cookie
    Price: 1
    Description: It'll make you happy !
    Seller: Diissaster
    Quantity: 98
    Name: Company Name
    Price: 100
    Description: You are able to launch a company. Education Needed.
    Seller: Diissaster
    Quantity: Unlimited
    Name: Education
    Price: :1: 40 :2: 80 :3: 160
    Description: You can now work.
    Seller: Diissaster
    Quantity: Unlimited
    Name: CPT
    Price: 400
    Description: I am looking for a new owner my TPT language CPT. See more at
    Seller: Diissaster
    Quantity: 1
    Name: Power Generator
    Price: 15
    Description: Creates power, puts off pollution. Please PM me to purchase. Link Temporary! If claimed, I *may* make more.
    Seller: Candunc
    Quantity: 5
    Name:how to use pipe
    Description: teaches you how to use pipe in a simple way

    Name:lava power plant
    Description:doesnt acctually use lava uses steam but got down voted when i called it a steam plant

    Name:melting pad
    Description:can melt almost anything the ones it cant melt are written at the top of the sim

    Name: Your own logo
    Price: 50
    Description: Receive your own logo to put on all of your creations. You can specify details. 30-60 min wait
    Seller: A.D.L inc
    Quantity: Limited one per user
    _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________

    Name: Eye Catcher Company
    Price: 20
    Description: Bold the writing in the description of your company.
    Quantity: Unlimited

    Name: Eye Catcher Product
    Price: 20
    Description: Bold the writing of your market object.
    Quantity: Unlimited

    Name: Job Ad
    Price: 50
    Description: Have a bold job offer at the top of the 1st post, for a day.
    Quantity: 1 per day.

    Name: Top product
    Price: 40
    Description: Have a your market object, in bold, at the top of the post, for a day.
    Quantity: 1 per day.


    Job Ad

    These are free to ad for companies.

    Boss: Diissaster
    Job: Marketer
    Salary: 40pp you get to join the market.
    Description: Get more people into the Market.
    Places: ∞

    Boss: Diissaster
    Job: Vote, Vote, Vote.
    Salary: Variation
    Description: For people who buy vote packages, you need to get a group of people together, and get them to all vote on the object customer bought to be voted. Salary varies depending on how many votes you can pull. I usually do 20per vote, which will be shared unevenly into the voting team.
  • Diissaster
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Done ^
  • Diissaster
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Good idea.

    Shall we try to get a bigger economy then?

    P.S would you like to buy a cookie.
  • Candunc
    4th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Yes, and have prices maybe go up and down depending on how the market is doing?
    I would love a cookie! I will take that, and manage my credits.