@quaddosh I am familiar with common traditions of Shinto. You might find that there is more alternative religions there than you thought, when you delve into research. BUT: This thread has potential to cause trouble, as many become heated with religious discussions (neutral or not.) So, how about we focus on the people in Japan who are hurt? (At least when writing here in this thread.) (Pm me if you want to discuss.)
Haven't 2-300 bodies washed up? Ouch... It's just a ridiculous amount, in fact, any amount is ridiculous... The End of the World is nigh? It is also at a time when the moon is in the right phase where earthquakes and tsunamis are more likely. @boris457 Yes, 2 Nuclear plants are failing in Japan, one they switched off 'cos it was too hot then ran out of power to pump in coolant! The other is on fire. =( Hope they both sort out!